Creation of Project from Sales Order Based on Product Quantity in Odoo



This module will be useful when you want to create project from product or service irrespective of their type and based on number of quantity sell on sales order.As soon as the product is sold (at the Sales Order confirmation), Odoo automatically creates a new project. If a product is sold more than once in the same Sale Order (Ex: Quantity = 3), the system should generate X projects (same number as sold products).

Go to Sales –> Product –> Click on Create . Now create a new product named “Base Website Development”.


After selecting the product type go to Invoicing tab and select “yes” in the “Multiple Project” field ,so that project can be created for this product after sales order confirmation ,if you select “No” then no project will be created for this product .


Now we create Quotation then will see how the Projects are generating by confirming the sales order.So for creating Quotation , Go to Sales App , click on Quotation then on Create Button . Now Add the products in the order line.


As you confirm the sales order , you can see here projects for this sales order has been generated based on total quantities mentioned in sales order i.e 6.


Here you can see projects have been generated with the sequence, first sales order then product name then sequence number. Ex: “SO0129 – Base Website Development – 01″; “SO0129 – Base Website Development – 02″; “SO0129 – Advanced Website Development – 01″..and so on


Feel free to ask if you have any query. You can request demo or more customisation as per your need in below form. THANK YOU.


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